Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ask Gov. Brewer to Veto Bad Wildlife Bill!

ADLA ALERT: Ask Governor Brewer to Veto Bad Wildlife Bill!

The organization that opposes everything we support in the world of wildlife, is about to take control of the Arizona Game & Fish Commission appointment process. We need your help to stop them!

“With the passing of Senate Bill 1200, the Arizona Legislature turned wildlife management back to the 1950s, where the attitude was, ‘If you cannot shoot it, it is not worth having.’“
- Arizona Wildlife Biologist

Despite widespread opposition, SB 1200 (NOW: game and fish commission; recommendation board) passed out of the House on Thursday 36-19-5 and is on its way to the Governor.

What You Can Do:

Please contact Governor Brewer IMMEDIATELY and politely ask her to veto SB 1200! You can contact Governor Brewer by calling her at (602) 542-4331 or toll free at 1-(800) 253-0883. You can email her by clicking on Governor Brewer and then filling in the online form. You can also paste this website into your browser http://azgovernor.gov/Contact.asp. Please send a copy of your email to smyers@az.gov  , psenseman@az.gov,  and ssmith@az.gov

How will SB 1200 harm animals?

SB 1200 would enable an elite group of trophy hunters and ranchers to take control of Arizona’s wildlife by hijacking the Arizona Game and Fish Commission appointment process:

It is based on misrepresentations of the Game and Fish budget, and how much hunters actually contribute.

It is based on misrepresentation of participation of these trophy hunters in the appointment process in the past. They have participated, and have had their choices selected the majority of the time.

It excludes almost all Arizonans from the Game and Fish Commission appointment process.

The Game and Fish Commission and Department have many programs that greatly benefit wildlife and habitat such as the reintroduction of black-tailed prairie dogs that were once completely wiped out in Arizona; and habitat protection and mapping projects through the State Wildlife Action Plan. In the last five years they have adopted policies to better understand and protect mountain lions. If SB 1200 is signed into law by Governor Brewer all that could change.

SB 1200 is opposed by consumptive and non-consumptive members of the wildlife community including the Arizona Game & Fish Commission, Animal Defense League of Arizona, Sierra Club, Arizona Audubon Society, Arizona Wildlife Federation, Arizona Republic Editorial Board, and many other groups and individuals.

For detailed bill information and background including the groups that are behind SB 1200 click here

Please email the link below to your contacts in Arizona.


Thanks for your help!

Animal Defense League of Arizona

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